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AVN Top 500 It's the year 2005 and the city has been overrun with porn. The entire city has been become known as "Sexorcity." Porn stars are replacing athletes as public superstars. All women are getting breast implants. Because of the mayhem, the mayor has formed a task force know as the "Sex Squad." Their mission is to seek out and monitor all sexual activities that are corrupting the fair city. The mission sounds simple enough, but to achieve their goal they will have to immerse themselves in the seedy world of nasty sex and porn. Don't miss the exciting ending!

Content Info:

Type of Delivery: Delayed Download

Quality: SD

2257: Compliant


Main Genre: Straight

Sub Genre: Feature


Studio: Gentlemens Video

Sub Studio: Gentlemens Video

License Type Exclusive Area Term Price Availability Add To Cart
Internet Encoded or Source No Worldwide Perpetuity $49.99 Available

