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Eye Candy 03

Our favorite progressive young women's social club is once again raising money for charity any way they can; without "hooking" of course. Winning trivia contests did it in the past, but this time out, their goal is to determine the NUMBER ONE pop/rock/soul SONG of ALL TIME. This impossible challenge is met with the high force sexual energy that produces electric kinky results. The peek, the glance, the tease, the wink, the flash, the flirt, the strut, the eye...all vintage trademarks from Jim Holliday, the master of fun and fluff. Hey, you!!! Take a good look at this box, observe, ponder...think some more - then name an American porn movie with more than 10 girls that has a foxier, better looking cast. If it's not a Jim Holliday title, than you probably just can't name one.

Content Info:

Type of Delivery: Delayed Download

Quality: SD

2257: Compliant


Main Genre: Straight

Sub Genre: Feature


Studio: VCA

Sub Studio: VCA

License Type Exclusive Area Term Price Availability Add To Cart
Internet Encoded or Source No Worldwide Perpetuity $99.99 Available

