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Gold Digger

While performing as the feature dancer at a local club, Jacy Gold meets a male customer and begins dating him. She eventually finds him to be very rich and yet completely disgusting. Following a suggestion that she will become very wealthy, she marries him and, as luck would have it, through a series of ironic events, her husband loses all his wealth. The scene unravels into a series of events that finds him back in the money and Jacy in the slammer! Right before being carted off to jail for her crime, she's told something that will forever taunt her as she sits the days and nights out in her grimy cell. (A dark comedy with a twisting and turning conclusion.)

Content Info:

Type of Delivery: Delayed Download

Quality: SD

2257: Compliant


Main Genre: Straight

Sub Genre: Feature


Studio: Coast To Coast

Sub Studio: Coast To Coast

License Type Exclusive Area Term Price Availability Add To Cart
Internet Encoded or Source No Worldwide Perpetuity $69.99 Available

