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Love And Bullets

When love is great, it's grand, but when two people go through a bad divorce, it can get damn ugly! Karen and Richard Roman had it all, a good life, a nice house, good health...but now all they seem to have is contempt for each other. When Karen finds out Richard's romp on a porn set she sets out to get a divorce, but Richard won't go down without a fight. As the ugliness builds, they play with each other by flaunting their outrageous sexual exploits and destroying personal property. Will this war ever end, or is someone going to have to pay with his or her life?

Content Info:

Type of Delivery: Delayed Download

Quality: SD

2257: Compliant


Main Genre: Straight

Sub Genre: Feature


Studio: VCA

Sub Studio: VCA

License Type Exclusive Area Term Price Availability Add To Cart
Internet Encoded or Source No Worldwide Perpetuity $99.99 Available

