The Lust Detective
Mr. Genghis Green is a very wealthy man who is about to marry a very exotic beauty and needs the "Lust Detective's" help to find out if she's fooling around behind his back. This is definitely a job for the Private Eye of Private Parts! As the man leaves we learn the Lust Detective is diving into this case...personally!! And there's more to be had in this case, from the detective's own horny henchwoman! As the detective embarks on his mission to corner this triple timing tease. Miss Rhonda Chavel is already being cornered by Joey the mechanic. This vivacious vixen doesn't mind being cornered though she likes being set-up!! This is one mechanic that likes to play hardball. And always uses the right tools to get the job done! But there's more going on back at the office.. the detectives assistant is up to her own TRICKS, and building a case of her won with a dirty biker slut that loves to play nice... But what about Mr. Genghis Green? He's back at he mansion getting a pre-nuptial nub all his own...or is he being set-up? It's a complicated case to crack. But the Lust Detective and Ms crew will find a way to turn all this frenzied, fanatical sex into HARD evidence.
Content Info:
Type of Delivery: Delayed Download
Quality: SD
2257: Compliant
Studio: Gentlemens Video
Sub Studio: Lord Perious Productions