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The Stand In

Chloe is the spoiled star of a popular soap opera. When she finds out that her producer's wife, Shelby, is trying to steal her part, there is only one thing she can do: seduce her and take her on a vacation! When her producter resists the idea, Chloe offers up a stand-in to keep him company while the girls are away. But, who's the stand in you ask? Well, it's none other than Chloe's secret lover, Kelsey. Confused yet? Just you wait, because all's fair in sex and soap operas!

Content Info:

Type of Delivery: Delayed Download

Quality: SD

2257: Compliant


Main Genre: Straight

Sub Genre: Feature


Studio: VCA

Sub Studio: VCA

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Internet Encoded or Source No Worldwide Perpetuity $99.99 Available

